The value differsmore but is higher in GA Universal UAH.. Some projects have differences but not critical ones In most projects thenumber of conversions is the same but the value may differ more often for thebetter in GA. For example from August toAugust with the same number ofconversions the value is higheraccording to GA data UAH . In mostprojects the number of conversions is the same The purpose of these examples isto show that there is basically no difference in GA GA and Google Adsperformance across projects.
This is one of theexamples of projects and the majority of such projects where everythingcoincides In most projects the values are the same There are projects wheretracking through Google Analytics showsmuch better results in the same time. For Lebanon Phone Number Data example in one project in the periodfrom July to July GA income was UAH . and GA Universal incomewas UAH .. There are transactions in GAand in GA Universal. Google Analytics shows much better results in the same time July was specially chosen forthe analysis when both analysts were working.
Now as you can see inthe screenshot Universal is no longer collecting conversions. Basic reports foranalyzing advertising in Google Analytics The Google Ads campaign associated with the session The Google Adscampaign associated with the session Attract Traffic Original Source or UserChannel Traffic acquisition original source or user channel Monetization bytransactions Monetization by transactions So we looked at the possible causesof data discrepancies in Google Analytics and Google Analytics Universal. Since Google has thoroughly updated andimproved the system these discrepancies are expected and normal. Some can befixed in the settings and some are simply the result of more accurate systemoperation.